Shelby Church Vlogs
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168 тыс.Кол-во просмотров:
14 440 820 просмотров21 662 USD
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Описание канала
Hi! I'm Shelby, I'm 23 years old and living in Los Angeles. I've been a full time YouTuber for the past 4 years making lifestyle and technology videos, and on this channel you'll watch me work on launching a new project: I had this idea that there was a better way to connect YouTubers, Bloggers and other influencers with freelance photographer, videographers and other creatives to help them make their content better. Subscribe if you want to follow along and watch how the behind the scenes of how Shuttr grows!
The 5 Dumbest Purchases I've Made In My 20's
2 года назад
234 103 просмотра
7 лет назад
210 995 просмотров
Jaw Surgery Experience Vlog - Surgery & Recovery Day 1
7 месяцев назад
183 289 просмотров
Pranking Target & iPhone Case Collection!
7 лет назад
139 733 просмотра
Jaw surgery... one week later
7 месяцев назад
135 371 просмотр
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