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Epic UpCycling

Epic UpCycling

Кол-во подписчиков:

312 тыс.

Кол-во просмотров:

36 905 559 просмотров

Описание канала

Hi, I'm Jason, and my channel is all about making things out of junk. Most of the materials I use in my videos were discarded, or thrown away, destined for landfill, or the bonfire. These videos are not meant as tutorials, they are just to show the way I do things. I hope they will in some way entertain, and maybe help everyone to see the beauty and usefulness of every piece of scrap out there. Happy UpCycling 🙂

Топ 5 самых популярных видео канала

A Wonderful Use For Scrap Wood Offcuts.

1 день назад
75 943

Craft Supplies Storage Rack made out of Scrap

3 недели назад
237 400

A Simple Adjustable Shelf Unit Made From Recycled Furniture.

1 месяц назад
101 313

Making a Type Case Letterpress Drawer out of SCRAP WOOD.

2 месяца назад
98 847

I Built My Dream Tool Rack Out Of Scrap Wood

3 месяца назад
597 707

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