«Awesome Restorations»
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Hi, I'm Marty I really love doing restorations and renew/re-build old broken and rusty tools, weapons, knifes, cigarette lighters and antiques. My father was a passionate handyman and he taught me how to make old broken things usable and beautiful again. He is unfortunately not among us anymore but the joy, happiness and passion of doing old restorations and re-builds certainly still is. I will share a new restoration 2-3 times per month, so please subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything. Thanks for watching and supporting me. I really appreciate it :o) Warmest regards, Martin * IF YOU ARE A BUSINESS OWNER and want to have YOUR PRODUCTS IN MY RESTORATION VIDEOS you are welcome to contact me thru the below e-mail. **** NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO USE ANY OF MY CONTENT - SO DON'T SEND ME E-MAILS ABOUT THIS - THANK'S ****
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